We are committed to providing activities for people of all ages. At High Desert we offer a wide range of activities for church members to get involved in.
Thanks for worshiping with us; please join us for coffee and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall following our worship service.
Normal Office hours will be on Wednesdays from 9 am until 12 noon. If you have an announcement for the bulletin, please send it to Reuben before Tuesday each week.
If you would like to officially join High Desert UMC, please see Pastor Reuben.
Collection plates. plates are now positioned around the sanctuary for your weekly contribution.
The church bus picks up for the 9 am service. If you need a ride to church, please call the church office. If you are willing to provide a ride for someone to church on Sunday morning, please contact Reuben, Linn or the church office directly at (505) 891-4206.
Come join us at choir practice on Wednesday at 5:30 pm.
Friday Night “Jesus and Music” Session
Looking for an opportunity to jam with fellow musicians and play/sing Christian music? Then come join us on Friday at 3:30 pm in the sanctuary.
Prayer Warriors
Please call Sandy Dewbre at 505-238-1958 or email at dewbre998@gmail.com.
Military Prayer List
If you have a family member or relative serving in the military, especially in “Harm’s Way,” please submit their name, rank, military branch and if possible, where they are currently serving to the office or Reuben. We would like to establish a prayer list of those serving our nation.
We have an opening on the worship team for the 10:30 am Sunday Worship Service at Morningstar. You would only lead worship once every six weeks. Please consider this ministry opportunity and let Reuben know if you are willing to help.
Each Sunday one of our members leads worship at 10:30 am for the residents of Morningstar retirement community. We are currently developing the schedule.
Please see the Missions Page for more details on this Mission.
High Desert United Methodist Church offers a Bookshelf Library with a Christian book collection in the Fellowship Hall. Books are donations and may be checked out on a clipboard at the bookcase.
If you have Christian materials to donate, please place them in the basket on the bottom shelf. Volunteers will review each donation to determine if it fits High Desert's Christian mission. Books that are not a good fit will be donated to other organizations.
Distribution occurs on the first Friday (11am-2pm), the third Tuesday (9am-noon) and the third Thursday (1-4pm) of each month. The next food distributions are scheduled for:
Thursday March 20 from 1 pm - 4 pm
Friday April 4 from 11 am - 2 pm **
Tuesday April 15 from 9 am - 12 pm
** Friday distributions include pet food.
March Collection: Canned Fruit
April Collection: Canned Meats (Tuna, Ham, Chicken)
Contact John Samford at (505) 870-0667 for more information.
Please remember to return your form on how you passed on God’s love with the $10 you received last Sunday and made a difference for the Lord. There are extra copies in the Narthex.
We would like to present a Bible to each High School and College graduate as they begin their new journey in life. If you have a child or grandchild graduating this spring, please provide the following information to the Church Office: student name, where they are graduating from, and parent/grandparent.
The Wednesday Night Bible Study on 24 Hours That Changed the World will begin on Wednesday April 2 at 5:30 pm in the sanctuary. If you signed-up please Reuben for your study book. Still not too late to sign-up!
Our Second Mile Giving in March will go to United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).
UMCOR programs seek to alleviate human suffering by providing:
If you would like to support this ministry, please mark “UMCOR” on the memo line of your check.
Our Second Mile Giving in March will also go to purchase food boxes for the residents of the Navajo Nation. Pastor Chris is starting Bible studies at Prewitt and Twin Lakes Senior Centers, and will hand out food boxes to those in need after the class. Each box is estimated to cost $30 and will includes cans of corn, green beans, carrots, tuna, Ravioli, fruit, soups, meat, spaghetti sauce and spaghetti, bags of rice and pinto beans, peanut butter, and saltine crackers.
If you would like to support this mission project, please mark “Navajo Food Boxes” on the memo line of your check.
We have started collecting gloves, socks, stocking caps, sweat shirts, hoodies, blankets, and sleeping bags for the homeless. Please place your donations in the bin in the Narthex.
We would like to present a Bible to each High School and College graduate as they begin their new journey in life. If you have a child or grandchild graduating this spring, please provide the following information to the Church Office: student name, where they are graduating from, and parent/grandparent.
Our spring baseball outing is scheduled for Sunday May 18 at 1:35 pm. The Isotopes will be playing the Tacoma Rainers. We have reserved 40 tickets in Section 113. There will be a sign-up sheet available in April.