We are committed to providing activities for people of all ages. At High Desert we offer a wide range of activities for church members to get involved in. Below are some of our recent activities. Contact the church office to learn more about any of these activities.
Thanks for worshiping with us this morning; please join us for coffee and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall following our worship service.
The church bus picks up for the 9 am service. If you need a ride to church, please call the church office.
If you are willing to provide a ride for someone to church on Sunday morning, please contact Reuben, Linn or the church office directly at (505) 891-4206.
Collection plates. plates are now positioned around the sanctuary for your weekly contribution.
The Choir is taking a break for the summer. If you are willing to provide the special music for either the 9 am or 11 am service on a Sunday during August, please see either Frank, Lori or Reuben.
Friday Night “Jesus and Music” Session
Looking for an opportunity to jam with fellow musicians and play/sing Christian music? Then come join us on Friday at 4:30 pm in the sanctuary.
Please call Sandy Dewbre at 505-238-1958 or email at dewbre998@gmail.com.
If you have a family member or relative serving in the military, especially in “Harm’s Way,” please submit their name, rank, military branch and if possible, where they are currently serving to the office or Reuben. We would like to establish a prayer list of those serving our nation.
If you would like to place flowers in the church, please sign up in the Narthex.
Normal Office hours will be on Wednesdays from 9 am until 12 noon. If you have an announcement for the bulletin, please send it to Reuben before Tuesday each week.
You can watch the 9 am worship service at home from any internet browser by going to:
To search for the church stream in YouTube, at the top of the page, in the YouTube search box, type in High Desert United Methodist Church. You may see a number of options but select the one with a video feed picture of the sanctuary and a red box that says LIVE.
We have an opening on the worship team for the 10:30 am Sunday Worship Service at Morningstar. You would only lead worship once every six weeks. Please consider this ministry opportunity and let Reuben know if you are willing to help.
Each Sunday one of our members leads worship at 10:30 am for the residents of Morningstar retirement community. We are currently developing the schedule.
Please see the Missions Page for more details on this Mission.
Distribution occurs on the first Friday (11am-2pm), the third Tuesday (9am-noon) and the third Thursday (1-4pm) of each month. The next food distributions are scheduled for:
Friday September 6 from 11 am - 2 pm **
Tuesday September 17 from 9 am - 12 pm
Thursday September 19 from 1 pm - 4 pm
** Friday distributions include pet food.
September Collection: Canned Fruits
October Collection: Canned Veggies
Contact John Samford at (505) 870-0667 for more information.
At the request of members of our congregation, High Desert United Methodist Church is developing a Bookshelf Library. The Christian book collection is located in the Fellowship Hall. All the books are donations and may be checked out on a clipboard located in the bookcase.
If you have Christian materials that you would like to donate, please place them in the basket on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. Each donation will be reviewed by volunteers to determine if the book fits the Christian mission of High Desert. Books that are not a good fit will be donated to other organizations. We would love to hear from you and help you get connected at High Desert United Methodist Church. Click below to contact us and learn more about how you can get involved.
Several of us will be going to watch the Isotopes play the Reno Aces this afternoon. If you reserved a seat on the Church Bus, it will leave the parking lot at 12 noon. Thanks to Damon Bruce for driving the bus.
Ladies, mark your calendars for Thursday, September 5, for our Women with Purpose meeting at 10 am in the sanctuary. We will be gathering school supplies for Locker 505 and small packages of pet food. Learn more about Women With Purpose in the missions section of the website.
Our fall cookout is scheduled for Friday September 27 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm in the church parking lot (see bulletin insert). There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex for those who want to help and for the dish you will bring. Please use this opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors.
Our Second Mile Giving in September is going to support Heifer International. The goal of this ministry is to end world hunger and poverty. Since 1944, Heifer International has provided livestock and environmentally sound agricultural training to improve the lives of those who struggle daily.
Your contributions will be used to purchase animals. The current price is as follows: heifer - $500; goat - $120; sheep - $120; rabbits- $60 or flock of chicks - $20.
It’s time again to begin collecting and filling shoeboxes for Operations Christmas Child for Samaritan’s Purse.
High Desert has participated in this mission project for several years, where members get a shoebox (any size will work) and fill it with toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. Then bring your shoebox to the church along with a donation of $10 cash or check made out to HDUMC marked with “Operation Christmas Child” for shipping. All the shoeboxes must be turned in by Sunday November 17, 2024. They will be taken to Grace Outreach Church the week of November 18, 2024. They will then be distributed to children in need around the world. There are empty shoeboxes available in the Narthex.
If you would like to pack your own shoebox:
There are instructions on how to pack a shoebox on the back of the Shoebox Label which is out in the Narthex. In addition, bring a donation of $10 for shipping. After all the shoeboxes have been turned in, a check for shipping will be issued to Samaritan’s Purse and mailed to them.
Then just mark on the label if it is for either a boy or girl and what age group, peel the label off and put it on top of the box.
A few requirements have changed this year:
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