You can watch the 9 am worship service at home from any internet browser by going to:
To search for the church stream in YouTube, at the top of the page, in the YouTube search box, type in High Desert United Methodist Church. You may see a number of options but select the one with a video feed picture of the sanctuary and a red box that says LIVE.
9 am Service
Sermon: What Did You Say?
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Does God Have Favorites?
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Just Do It
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Let's Pass It On
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: The Main Thing
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Love the Socks Off Them
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Religion and Football
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Door of Opportunity
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Are We Living in Exile?
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Who Was That Lawyer?
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Remember Your Baptism
Pastor Reuben Thomas
9 am Service
Sermon: Wesley Covenant Service
Pastor Reuben Thomas
Hymn numbers (###) are from the United Methodist Hymnal unless otherwise noted.
"Amazing Grace Around the World" is sung by people from 50 different counties affected by Covid-19, in their native language. It is a powerful video!
Please click on this link to watch the 9:00 am congregation sing Here I am Lord. This was the first Sunday at the new church on Golf Course.
Music for April 19, 2020 - Timestamps
0:00 Piano Instrumental
2:40 Heal Our Land
4:03 Majesty, Worship His Majesty (176)
5:35 It's Me, It's Me, O Lord (352)
7:30 Victory In Jesus (370)
Music for April 26, 2020
0:00 Piano Instrumental
2:32 Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire
5:28 My Faith Looks Up to Thee (452)
8:00 Faith of Our Fathers (710)
10:09 It Is Well with My Soul (377)
Music for May 10, 2020
0:00 Piano Instrumental
1:25 I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
5:20 Faith of Our Fathers (710)
7:33 What a Friend We Have in Jesus (526)
10:19 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (057)
11:34 Standing on the Promises (374)
Music for May 17, 2020
0:00 Piano Instrumental
1:48 The Old Rugged Cross (504)
6:15 There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today
7:53 Blessed Assurance (369)
10:31 At Calvary
Music for May 24, 2020
0:00 Piano Instrumental
1:45 Come Into His Presence
2:58 Jesus, Name Above All Names (TFWS 2071)
4:26 My Hope Is Built (368)
6:36 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (110)
Music for May 31, 2020
0:00 Piano Instrumental
1:56 Just a Closer Walk With Thee
4:23 Surely The Presence of the Lord (328)
6:03 O Come Let Us Adore Him
8:02 Spirit of the Living God (393)